To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.

Tony Robbins

Hi, I’m Cheryl Zalieckas

Communications Coach & Leadership Strategist

After 20 years of facilitating effective team building and leadership in the healthcare industry, our school systems, within families, at small businesses, and beyond, I’m on a mission to bring harmony to all teams. 

We spend two-thirds of our lives interacting with people at work, at home, in friend groups, and in our communities. When communication breakdowns happen, they can devastate productivity, progress, and collaboration. 

Using a system of three science-backed personal assessments, I help leaders step into their power and help teams of any size find harmony in effective communication. 


Free Gift!

Want instant insights into how you show up as an individual, in relationships, and as a leader?



How understanding her DISC results transformed her working relationships and brought harmony to an entire department of elementary school teachers. 

Sandra’s Story


Book Your Consultation

Paul J. Meyer

To get the best results and improve your communication – whether you’re an individual focusing on personal growth or you’re leading a family unit, friend group, or your colleagues at work – I’ll support you with ongoing communications coaching and leadership training. 

We’ll explore how each of your assessment results work together and how every member of your team can feel heard, respected, and safe to contribute fully so you can achieve your collective goals.

Get Ongoing Support & Training


Choose from the following options:
DISC & Values Assessment – Yields valuable information on leadership style, communication preferences, personal motivators and drivers, and the nuances of how you prefer to show up in the world.

ADVanced Insights Assessment – You’ll complete the DISC Assessment, Values Assessment, and Attributes Index to give us a complete picture of human performance. Together, we’ll determine where there are gaps or friction and how we can improve your relationships with everyone you meet! 

Take the Assessment

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.”

How IT Works



Based on the results of your assessment, we’ll take a deep-dive look at how you can leverage your strengths to become a more effective leader and communicator. 

We’ll uncover hidden information about how those around you perceive you and how you can show up in your relationships – from the professional to the casual – more effectively.

Yes! I want my team to thrive!

Receive the full DISC assessment and a 60-minute consultation to understand your results and put them to work for you.

DISC Assessment & Consultation for Individuals & Dyads

Receive the full DISC assessment, plus the Values Assessment and Attributes Index to get a complete understanding of who you are, how the world perceives you, how you can best communicate, your blind spots (we all have them!), and how you can harness your leadership power.

Full Assessment Suite & Consultation

I want to be the best leader I can be!

Ideal for teams of up to 12 people, together you will have countless “Aha!” moments, revelations about past conflicts, and bonding experiences to maximize your ability to work together in harmony.

Team Enlightenment & Communication Building

Are you committed to greatness? Through monthly sessions, you will overcome challenges, empower your team, enhance your understanding of one another, and unite your skills for maximum impact.

Ongoing Team Development

Let's Do This!

Thanks to Cheryl and this exercise, I know what I am good at and how I can use this to interact with adults and students who do not share my gorilla style.

 Andrew Johnston

This work has given me an understanding of how people on my team perceive themselves. This is so helpful and allows me to know what they need from me and how I should approach them!

 Jaime Dunst

This was the first professional development where no one was on their phone or itching to leave! I learned so much about myself and my interactions with others.

 Carol Myers

From 1 on 1 coaching to group team-building workshops, 
I’m here to support you to success!
Are you ready?


Connect with me

A few years ago, Sandra reached out to me for help bringing harmony to her team. Sandra was a teacher working with a staff of 18 fellow teachers and administrators at a mid-sized elementary school.

When she first described the problem to me, she expressed frustration. She loved her work, but there was a constant, unyielding sense of tension and stress at work. Coworkers didn’t trust one another and everyone seemed unnecessarily tense at work. Sandra had worked with me through Personal Enlightenment Consulting and knew that the work we did could help improve the overall team dynamic at her workplace.

I was asked to be the guest speaker for their Professional Development Day. I kicked things off with my signature intake process. Together with Sandra, I reviewed the School's Annual Progress Plan and I was able to tie in their two main goals – which ended up including empathy and conscious discipline – with the work we did together during the 90-minute facilitation.

During our 90-minute facilitated session, the discussion was groundbreaking.

Each of the participants expressed feeling seen and heard for the first time. Additionally, participants were able to change the way they approached conversations to improve their communication and collaboration.

One teacher participant said, “It was very helpful for me to understand the styles of some coworkers and hopefully I will feel less judgmental and less stressed!” Another said, “Now I know me better, which will allow me to be a better person. Also knowing someone else’s results allows me to change my approach to them.”

The team’s dynamic changed almost instantaneously. Following our session together, each team member reported feeling “less stressed,” “more empathetic,” “better able to communicate with others,” and “at ease at work.”

A few weeks later, Sandra sent me a card describing her experience:
...I’m not exaggerating when I say it was      the best professional development EVER    in my 36 years. I seriously have NEVER seen our staff so relaxed, engaged, and NOT on THEIR PHONES! We are all better with understanding ourselves, thanks to you. What an awesome experience!

Sandra’s results and that of her team are typical! This is what happens when you allow yourself to leverage the tools to provide insight and externalize conflict.

Want to see what this transformative process can do for you, your relationships, and your professional growth?

The Power of Data-Driven Personal Insights